HFEE Golden Apples

Dear fellow Hanoverians:
As the new school year begins, the Hanover Foundation for Educational
Enrichment wishes to thank the many generous families who participated
in their Golden Apple Recognition Program, which encourages students
and parents to acknowledge a teacher or person who has made a
difference in their lives. During the 2012-2013 school year over 150
teachers and staff were recognized for their hard work. The Golden
Apple card was designed by sixth grader Jacqueline Clifford. They had
over 130 families participate in this program. Each year the Golden
Apple Program expands and HFEE truly thanks the families for
supporting the Hanover Foundation. Thanks also to the Hanover school
personnel for a fantastic year. Congratulations to the following who
have been awarded Golden Apple Cards!

*Christina Anderson* (the Healey family), *Karen Anderson* (the Ryan
family), *Mindy Anderson* (the Carroll, Clasby, Cunniff, Healey and
Monahan families), *Peter Arena* (the Frates and Scribner families),
*Emily Baird* (the Farrell and Wallace families), *Kathy Banks *(the
Healey family), *Stacie Barlow* (the Scribner family), *Ben Benitez*,
(the Frates, Lambert, Leigh and Sylvester families), *Mary Bitteti*,
(the Leone family), *Tom Blinstrub* (the Murphy family), *Alice Boyle*
(the Meehan family), *Julie Bradford* (the Bellerby family), *Dawn
Brandmark* (the Aidonidis, Connors, Giordani, Hash, Ratti, Rowe and
Wallace families), *Racheal Brewin* (the FitzGerald family), *Jessica
Brown* (the Bristol, DeMayo, K. Doherty, O. Doherty, Dougherty, Fader,
Richards and Vincent families), *Tom Brown *(the Leone family),
*Alicia Bryerton* (the Butzbach, Kelley, O’Dowd, Russo and Vyas
families), *Ellen Burns* (the Jones, McGillivray, Pevarnek and Yoo
families), *Kathleen Campbel*l (the Carr, Sheridan and Suchoff
families),* Caitlin Carceo *(the Carr family), *Kathy Caulfield *(the
Bottomley, Cox, Giordani, Levin, Murphy and O’Brien families),
*Kathy Chandler* (the Healey, Vyas and Williams families), *Laura
Chase *(the Anderson, Levin and Mitchelson families), *Suzanne Clasby
*(the Enos, Gallagher, Kearney and Toner families), *Laura Collins*
(the Lambert family),* Sherry Concannon (*Butzbach, DelPrete,
Gallaher, Jones, Snyder and Williams families), *David Crawford* (the
Minnehan family), *Jan Curley *(the Carroll family), *Deborah Curran*
(the FitzGerald family), *Kaela Curtis* (the Bristol and Sheridan
families), *Jane DeGrenier* (the Farrell, Gill and Wallace families),
*Stacey DeCotis *(the Cass, Coughlin, Picard and Suchoff families),
*Jennifer DePhillips* (the Williams family), *Anthony DeFranzo *(the
Meehan family), *Alicia DiBara (*the Bertoncini, Campo, Doherty,
Dougherty, Hanson-Waters and Leibfarth families), *Maura Dowling,
*(the DelPrete and Murphy families), *Elizabeth Downs *(DelPrete,
Lopes and McGillvry families), *Keri Driscoll* (the Bellerby, Logan
and White families), *Tracy Dubois*(the Christian, Cox, Lambert and
Murphy families)*, Paul Economos* (the Frates and Golden families),
*Joan Edgar, *(the DaSiIva and McCrann families), *Kerry Ennis *(the
Curran family), *Betty Fahey *(the Carr, Golden and Frates families),
*Cindy Ferguson (*the Healey, Kelley, Moore and Russo families),
*Michael File *(the Campo, Farrell, Kearney, Little-Gill and Recupero
families), *Jessica Flaherty *(the Chin, Connolly, Dougherty and
Vincent families), *Jennifer Foss *(the Fitzgerald and Scribner
families)*, Dawn Freeland* (the O’Dowd family)*, Janet Gillespie
(*the Kennedy and Milligan families), *Kristen Gokey (*the Murphy
family), *Joanne Goldstein *(the Carr family), *Dorothea Gray *(the
Freeman, Morris, Recupero and Sylvester families), *Seana Greene *(the
Carr, Good and Shields families), *Robbin Hall *(the Bertocini and
Dillon families), *Marilyn Hartney* (the Bruder, DaSilva and McCrann
families)*, Mary Herbert (*the Gill family), *Denise Heavern* (the
Lambert family)*, Steven Henderson* (the Bottomley family)*, Rachel
Hines* (the Arbia Butka, Logan and Shields families)*, Tom Hogan
(*Bristol, Cass, Couglin, Leigh, Picard, Smith and Suchoff families),
*John Hopkins* (the Meehan family), *Christine Hrenko* (the DeMayo,
Kubicki and Richards families), *Anna Hughes *(the Meehan family),
*Andrea Hurley *(the Clifford, Durkin, Jenkins, Leone, Moore and
Taylor families), *Scott Hutchinson *(the Meehan family), *Michelle
Ireland* (the Scribner family), *Karen Johnson (*the Recupero,
Sheridan and Stracco families), *Kelly Ann Jordan *(the Snyder
family), *Jill Joy *(the Carroll, DeMayo, Gorbey, Montoya and Nosek
families), *Kerri Kearns *(the Arbia, Barron, Cole, Coughlin, Fader,
Farrell and Shields family), *Christine Kelleher* (the Bristol and
Davis families), *Rebecca Kelley *(the Coughlin, Picard, Suchoff and
Toner families), *Sarah Kelser *(the Bellerby, McCrann and Williams
family), *Patricia Kinasewich * (the Chin, Curran, Dougherty,
Harrington and Kelley families), *Janet Kost *(the Minnehan family),
*Carol Krall *(the Gill and Kelley families), *Sarah Lafond *(the
Campo and Jenkins families), *Mark Lancaster* (the Clasby, DelPrete,
Logan, McCrann , Mitchelson, O’Leary and Taylor families), *Janice
Leonido *(the Leone family), *Jeannette Libby (*the Murphy family),
*Dustin Lindsey *(the Farrell and Little-Gill families), *Patty
Losordo* (the Kennedy, Molloy, O’Leary, Pevarnek and Yoo families),
*Steven Lovell (*the Coughlin, DaSilva, Little-Gill, Taylor and
Wallace families), *Beth Luccarelli* (the Ciraface, Golden, Healey,
MacMaster and Talbot families), *Amy Lynch (*the Yoo family), *Mary
Anne MacNeil* (the Bellerby, Pevarnek, Rowe and White families), *Risa
Mancillas* (the Gallagher and Murphy families), *Karen McCabe (*the
Carroll and McCrann families), *Katherine McHenry* (the Meehan
family), *Matthew (*the Freedman and Richards family), *Matt McGarry
*(the Acampora, Durkin and Lambert families), *Carol McGinnis* (the
Corrick family), *Melissa McGrath (*the Coleman and Curran families),
*Paula McMahon (t*he Clasby, Gallagher and Sanders families), *Lori
McKenna* (the Christian, Coughlin, ox, Dillon, Lambert and Murphy
families), *Andrea McNamara *(the Frates and Kubicki families), *Joan
McVey (*the DelPrete, Gallaher and Jones families*), Tom Merzbacher
(*the Gallagher, Jones and O’Brien families), *Nicole Messina (*the
Monahan family), *Christa Monahan *(the Barron, Carroll, Cole,
Coleman, Coughlin, Farrell, Freedman, Kearney, Montoya, Recupero,
Richards, Toner and Wallace families), *Nancy Moore *(the Bellerby and
Jones families), *Rachel Nameika (*the Cunniff, Corrick, Healey and
Lopes families), *Cooper Naylor *(the Lambert family), *Patrick
Newton* (the Minnehan family), *Debra Nicoll *(the Freedman and
Richards families), *Claudia O’Brien* (the Aidonidis, Hash, Ratti
and Wallace families), *Kathy O’Brien *(the Freedman and Wallace
families), *Jennifer O’Shea *(the Dillon and O’Shea families),
*Donna Pacheco *(the Gallagher and Kearney families), *Andrea Pattison
*(the Carr and Suchoff families )*Patricia Peters (*the Gorbey
family), *Kevin Perry* (the Carroll family), *Julie Phelan *(the
Hanson-Waters family), *Betty Polansky (*the Casey, Coleman, Frates,
Morris and Wallace families), *Gina Prandato *(the Leibfarth family),
*Rose Price (*the Bertoncini family), *Lisa Quilty* (the Anderson
family), *Joanne Rapalje *(the Minnehan family), *Sheila Ray *(the
Frates family), *Gene Reiber * (the Bertoncini and Sheridan families),
*Nancy Replogle *(the Lambert family), *Kim Richardson (*the McDermod
family), *Christina Richardson *(the Curran, Gorbey and Sheridan
families), *Carol Rodday *(the Murphy family), *Donald Ronchetti *(the
Carr, Davis and Good families), *Colleen Russell (*the Sanders
family), *Emily Russell *(the Doherty, Dooley and Ryan families),
*Kelly Russo* (the Lambert family), *Nancy Ryan (*the Corrick, Cunniff
and Sanders families), *Tom Ryan* (the Aidonidis, Hash, Ratti and
Wallace families), *Denise Schell (*the Meehan family), *Dayna Scribi*
(the Lambert family), *Score Program *(the Farrell family), *Maureen
Shea *(the Wallace family), *Ava Sigsby* (the Coughlin family), *Rita
Silvia* (the Leone family), *Nikki Simmons* (the Jones, Pevarnek and
Yoo families), *Martha Stamper *(the Bristol family), *Michelle
Sullivan *(the Barron and Farrell families), *Roberta Themistocles
*(the Curran and Gorbey families), *Jane Therrien* (2 cards from Nancy
Replogle’s class), *Shannon Thompson *(the Golden, Kennedy and
Milligan families), *Julie Thornell* (the Butka, Clinton, Durkin,
Giordani and Sheridan families), *Anne Thornton *(the Gallagher
family), *Marcia Tucker *(the Healey family), *Karen Vitolo *(the
Farrell and Stracco families), *Terry Voelkel *(the O’Dowd family),
*Pauline Ward *(the Aidonidis and Connors families), *Peggy Westfield*
(the Arbia, Butka, Logan and Shields family), *Gregg Wheeler*(the
Carroll, Clinton, DaSilva and McCrann families), *Donna Wilson *(the
Farrell and Nixon families).

For more information about the HFEE, please e-mail

For “Around Town on the Web”,
Cathy H-B

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