Re-scheduled lecture regarding invasive alien plants

Dear fellow Hanoverians:


The Walnut Hill Garden Club of
Hanover invites the public to attend a free RE-SCHEDULED lecture and slide show
regarding “Invasive Alien Plants of the South Shore” on Tuesday,
February 10th , 7:45 p.m., at the Phoenix Masonic Lodge on Broadway
in Hanover.  This lecture was scheduled to be held this past Tuesday, but
had to be postponed due to the snow (that kept coming and coming and coming!).


As you drive north on Route 3,
have you noticed trees covered and choked by messy looking vines? Are burning
bush seedlings popping up in your back lot unplanted?  During his slide
show, Peter Alden will demonstrate where alien plants come from, how they arrived
here, how they continue to spread, and why we should be concerned about
them.  Learn how to identify invasive plants and how we can limit their
spread in wild areas and our gardens here on the South Shore.


Peter Alden is a world renowned
naturalist, lecturer, ecotourism guide and author of 15 books on North American
and African wildlife, including the National Audubon Society’s Regional Field Guide Series.  A highly
entertaining and widely sought after lecturer on topics that include world
wildlife, the polar regions, invasive plants and biodiversity of the northeast,
he is considered an authority on birds and larger mammals.


Mr. Alden’s lecture is
open to the public, but seating is very limited. Members of the public who
previously made a reservation are still welcome to attend.  Those who do not
yet have a reservation are encouraged to please contact Louise Sironi at
781-826-8421 or e-mail


For "Around Town on the Web",

Cathy H-B


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