Town Manager public forum

Dear fellow Hanoverians:


The Town Manager Study Committee invites residents to attend
a public forum regarding the establishment of a Town Manager/Board of Selectmen
form of government, on Tuesday, February 24, 7:00 PM, in the main
hearing room at Town Hall.


At its meeting of July 21, 2008, the Board of Selectmen
voted to create a committee of five citizens to study a Town Manger/ Board of
Selectmen form of government. The committee includes two members appointed by the
Board of Selectmen, two members appointed by the Town Moderator, and one member
appointed by the Board of Public Works. The committee was charged with
producing a document in charter form to present to Town Meeting and eventually
to the State Legislature which lays out a Board of Selectmen/Town Manager form
of government for the Town of Hanover.  The Board of Selectmen would serve
as a policy setting board and the Town Manager would implement those policies
and manage the everyday activities of Town government.


To assist them in this task, the committee has met with the
majority of town departments and boards, visited communities run by a Town
Manager, reviewed pertinent data, and sponsored a community-wide public
hearing. As a result of this process the committee has drafted a proposal which
has been submitted as a warrant article to be considered by voters at the
annual Town Meeting in May.


The purpose of this forum is to offer information to the
community regarding the impact a Town Manager form of government would have on
the day to day operations of the town. Residents will be given the opportunity
to ask questions and to learn more about the process. Copies of the proposal
will be available at Town Hall, the John Curtis Free Library and posted on the
town’s website (
) at least one week prior to the forum. For further information, please contact
Linda DiNardo, Chairperson, at 781-826-8019.


For "Around Town on the Web",

Cathy H-B


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that has been provided to self-selected residents of the Town of Hanover since
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